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Important topic that is diabetes which is very common nowadays guys what is diabetes? diabetes is not actually a genetic disease it is a Lifestyle disease many people feel that our parents have diabetes so it is likely that we also may get it. But it is not so, diabetes is not genetic at all it is a Lifestyle disease. Why does it happens that if our parents have diabetes problem then commonly we also have it. what happens when people live together in a house, their eating pattern and their lifestyle are very much similar. Due to this, if parents have diabetes there are chances that the children will also have it. So it does not mean that it is genetic, it is because their lifestyle is similar, So because of this, this problem can be transferred to them. So guys now I will explain to you the science behind diabetes. These are important things so listen carefully and understand them. Guys what happens when we eat our food it gets converted to glucose the glucose circulates in our whole body in blood in our body there is an organ called pancreas which produces insulin what is the work of insulin? the insulin picks glucose from the bloodand pushes it into all all the cells of our body now when glucose enters in the cellthen after going inside the cell it mixes with oxygen and produces energy in the form of ATP But in case there is a condition in the body when glucose cannot go inside the cell and keep circulating in the blood, that condition we call diabetes. Now what will happen if the glucose can't go inside the cell and it remains in the blood. So if we do our blood test then our blood glucose level will be high. and because glucose cannot enter into our cells, energy will not be produced. You must have heard that diabetic patients are very tired and have a lack of energy, because energy is not being made from glucose in their body. now let's talk about type of diabetes, diabetes are mainly of two types types 1 is insulin dependent diabetes and type 2 is non insulin dependent diabetes. now insulin-dependent diabetes is that which is totally dependent on whether insulin is produced or not, if there is some problem in pancreas it can be genetic or due to some infection or from any injury or due to any defect there is any problem in pancreas then it cannot produce insulin because of this type 1 diabetes occurs this can mainly happen at any age, it may even happen at smaller age also type 2 diabetes or non insulin dependent diabetes is insulin resistant diabetes what happens here the insulin receptors on the cells of our body cannot identify insulin can't respond to them or they become resistant to them. Due to this the insulin can't push glucose into the cells. I explain to you in a simple language for example consider the cells in our body as a house, in the house there is one main door on main door there is a Guard the guard knows insulin very well and if insulin along with him brings any guest, guard will allow him to come inside the house, now what happens? when insulin knock the door and guard opens the main door, so insulin said that he is a guest his name is glucose allow him to come inside the house. Guard allows glucose to come inside the house but now what happens in non insulin dependent type 2 diabetes? Guard forgets to identify insulin, so the guest whom insulin has brought with him that is glucose is not allowed to enter inside the house, so when insulin comes and knocks on the door Guard opens the door and ask him too let glucose inside the house but Guard has forgotten insulin therefore he does not allows glucose to enter the house this is very simple, in non insulin dependent or type 2 diabetes the receptors of our cells become resistant to insulin and they do not identify insulin so they don't allow glucose to enter into them as glucose is not entering into the cells and it will keep on circulating in the blood means Glucose level of blood will become high when we do blood test blood glucose will come high that means diabetes. because glucose is circulating in the blood and could not enter the cell so it can't produce energy. now we would talk about signs of diabetes, if someone has diabetes then how you would know what symptoms or signs it would give that you would know that you have diabetes, the first sign is polyphagia, polyphagia means feeling hungry again and again or or feeling more hungry, now what happens the diabetes patients we feel that they are asking for food again and again or their eating again and again they have diabetes they should not to eat so much, this should not eat sweets, they should not eat more food but what happens in case of diabetes the body is not making energy from glucose and body's demand of energy is not getting fulfilled so the body demands food again and again and body feels hungry again and again this we call polyphagia so here there is no fault of poor diabetic patient that they feel hungry again and again and actually they should eat something in every 2 hours but healthy and what to eat? that I will tell in the diet plan the next sign which comes is is polydypsia polydypsia means feeling thirst again and again now the diabetic patients no matter how much water he drinks they are always feeling thirsty now why this happens? now so much glucose which has accumulated in the body to get it out body produces a lot of urine and when he produces lot urine this excretes all the water of the body again and again to remove glucose out of the body therefore the diabetes patient they feel very thirsty and even after drinking water their thirst is not quenched Another sign is polyurea as I have told you in body or in blood when glucose level becomes high and the body wants to excrete it outside therefore it produces more urine so polyurea means frequent urination which is very common in diabetes patient next sign is tiredness because body can't convert glucose into energy therefore there is lack of energy and and those who are diabetic feel very lethargic or they feel very much tired because in their body energy is not produced next sign is keto acidosis because in diabetes energy is not produced from glucose now the body has to make energy from somewhere so it makes energy from fat so whatever fat is inside the body body breaks it and makes energy from it when fat is broken down they produce ketones which are acidic and they have fruity smell inside so in diabetes patients from their mouth and urine fruity smell comes this we call keto acidosis In case of diabetes muscle becomes weak in diabetes patients there is muscles breakdown because body does not makes energy from glucose so the muscles in the body their protein is broken down by the body to make energy so in case of diabetes the body does not makes energy from glucose in normal way but from proteins of body means from muscles and from fats energy is made In diabetes patients there is more chances of infections their immunity is also very much reduced now why does this happens? The main work of the proteins is to develop immunity in our body means white blood cells or making antibodies but because in case of diabetes protein is busy in making energy and can't do his main work due to this in body white blood cells that is WBC and antibodies are not made in the body therefore immunity of diabetics gets reduced very much and they are prone to frequent infections. What else happens in case of diabetes? In case of diabetes wound healing does not take place You will see those having sugar problem diabetes problem if they get hurt somewhere it does not heal for a long time because this is also the work of protein if there is wound anywhere in the body for healing of that wound protein provides help but here protein is busy making energy due to this wound healing is very much delayed in diabetes If diabetes becomes uncontrolled very much means can't be controlled with medicine or someone does not knows that he is having diabetes and here his diabetes goes out of control then what happens? if diabetes becomes uncontrolled then retinopathy, means in retina inside the eye blood vessels starts getting damaged and vision starts becoming very blurred that is diabetic patient starts seeing blurry or neuropathy neuropathy means nerves of the patient starts getting damaged very much due to this in hands and legs of the patient very much numbness and and too much tingling sensation starts happening or nephropathy nephropathy means the kidney starts getting damaged a lot in case of diabetes because I have told you diabetes is a lifestyle related disease let's learn what are its causes. Why diabetes happens? The main causes of diabetes are first is related with your diet if there is too much processed food in your diet means too much junk food or outside food, packaged food so these can cause diabetes or if flour is very much refined means you are using maida more due to that also diabetes can occur or you may be using refined sugar too much white sugar or things made from white sugar like cakes, pastries so diabetes may occur due to them or there is lack of fibre in your diet means salad, raw vegetables and fruits if you eat less or use less in your diet even then the problem of diabetes can come. Now its another reason is central obesity central obesity means belly fat if there is too much fat in your belly then there are chances that you may get diabetes afterwards. Next reason of diabetes is prolonged stress If you have a lot of stress on something for a long time you are continuously in stress in the body too much cortisol will be produced which is very much related to diabetes so in that case there is high chances of getting diabetes or there is some prolonged illness that is you are suffering from a disease for a long time because of that you are using a lot of allopathic medicine so in that case also there are chances of having diabetes Now we will talk about the tests which can diagnose whether someone has diabetes or not the test most common and reliable test is HbA1C that is glycosylated haemoglobin test this HbA1C test is 3-months average test of body's blood glucose level therefore it is more reliable if you carry out HbA1C i.e glycosylated haemoglobin test and the range there comes 4% to 5.6% this means it is non diabetic if it comes 5.7% to 6.4% this means it is pre-diabetic and if it comes 6.5 % and above then it is diabetes. Next test is fasting blood sugar Fasting blood sugar is done in fasting means it is done empty stomach If you do this test, and the range comes 70 to 110 this means it is non diabetic and if the range comes 110 to 125 this means it is pre-diabetes and if the range comes 125 and above then it means it is diabetes. The next test is random blood sugar for this you don't have to do fasting and this can be done at any time of the day but this is not much reliable if the range here comes 200 mg/dL then it means it is diabetes now let's talk about treatment of diabetes The treatment of diabetes can be of three types. The first and the most important treatment to reverse diabetes is diet You with your diet and lifestyle can completely reverse diabetes if you take medicine or even you take injections then also your diabetes could be reversed if you can completely correct your diet and lifestyle along with diet you have to you also have to correct your lifestyle that means you have to exercise play a very important role in diabetes patient so if you have diabetes you should correct your diet plus it is very necessary to do exercise daily third thing is medication and insulin if you have diabetes doctors will keep you on insulin or on medication so that your diabetes will come under control after that by bringing changes in your diet and lifestyle you can gradually stop your medicines with the help of your doctor. If you have diabetes then you should not follow any general guidelines because what happens, in hyperglycaemia blood sugar becomes high in that case it becomes even more dangerous if hypoglycaemia occurs means if blood sugar level becomes low so if you are taking medications for diabetes and you randomly start following any diet plan and blood glucose level comes down means hypoglycaemia occurs then it can be very dangerous for you so if you are a diabetic patient then
I advice you if you are following any diet plan then you should do it under a personalised supervision and shouldn't follow any diet plan randomly but the diet plan I am going to tell you here you can include those things into your lifestyle because it will benefit you a lot. So now let us talk about the diet plan for diabetes First and foremost thing in case of diabetes is it is important to correct your lifestyle the most important and main thing is you don't have to take stress at all because due to stress cortisol is produced in body and this increases chances for diabetes reduce stress you must in your daily life include 30 minutes of brisk walk this is an important thing for diabetes patient correct your sleep and wakeup time go to bed by 10 to 10.30 and wakeup by 6 to 6.30 in morning 8 hours of sleep is must for you you must in your whole day include 2.5 to 3 litres of water add more fibre in your diet include salad in your every meal first of all let's talk about morning drink morning drink is very important in every diet plan it plays an important role in diet plan of diabetes in diabetes diet plan Iam giving you methi tea How to make methi tea? Come to my kitchen I 'll tell you we are making methi tea, I have placed a pan on the gas I'll add more than one glass of water in it 1/4th teaspoon I have added fenugreek seeds (methi Dana) cover it to boilafter 5 minutes of boiling we will turn off the gas we will remove the lidand we will transfer it into a glass that's it so very simple our methi tea is now ready we have to drink this complete glass you can drink it Luke warm you can also take it hot this is very amazing
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